Murrayville Elementary


Every Mariner Matters, Every Moment Counts


Crisis Plan

Murrayville Crisis Plan

Murrayville Elementary School is committed to the safety of all children and staff. In the event of an emergency a School Messenger message will be sent to Murrayville parents. For all other emergencies, students and staff will remain on site and follow established crisis procedures. We ask that you cooperate in following these procedures if you hear of an emergency at school.

  •  Remain as calm as possible.
  • Do not attempt to go to the school. Access routes and streets need to be clear for emergency vehicles. Traffic congestion will make emergency response much more difficult for police, ambulances, and fire departments to get to the school to deal with the emergency quickly. This is an issue of safety.
  • Remain at home or at work to make it easier for officials to contact you, if necessary. If the school sends your child home on the bus, it is vitally important that you be there to receive your child.
  • Identification will be required to sign out students through office personnel.
  • Do not call your child’s school building as telephone lines will need to remain open to deal with the emergency. If the phone system is overloaded, it will hinder efforts to provide and receive necessary information.
  • Listen to local TV and radio stations for information.

Radio Stations: WAAV-AM 980, WSFM SURF-FM (107), WGNI-FM (102.7), WHQR-FM (91.3)
and WWQQ-FM (101.3), to name a few.
TV Stations: WECT – Channel 6, WSFX – Channel 26, and WWAY – Channel 3

  • Be sure that updated emergency contact information is on file. This is particularly important if you have had a change in phone numbers.
  • Buses and cars must use the Mabee Way entrance and exit.

Standard Response Protocol
